BAROQUE HORIZONS concert series
Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of traditional Baroque chamber music played by Steel City
Strings – Illawarra’s Chamber Orchestra. Music from 17th century Europe comes to life in this
performance full of surprises. Get a musician’s eye view into the world of Baroque Music. This exciting
performance will include Telemann’s Viola Concerto in G major with soloist Adrian Davis, and Bach’s
Double Violin Concerto with soloists Samantha Boston and Monique Zieglaar. You will also hear works
by Leonora Duarte, Handel. Directed by Baroque specialist Bridget Crouch this concert promises to be
lots of fun with something for everyone, so bring the family!
2pm Sun 27 Aug Nowra School of Arts Berry St Nowra 2541
Booking essential https://steelcitystrings.com.au/events
Enquiries 0467 869 478
Adult $55
Concession $45
Under 30 $29
Student $20
Child <16yrs $15
Family $120
ABN 29 940 633 839