FREE Dementia Education Workshops in Wingecarribee Shire
FREE workshops on how people experiencing memory loss can live well in our community!
The Southwestern Sydney Dementia Network, Western Sydney University and Maridulu Budyari Gamal (SPHERE) present three practical and interactive workshops.
These workshops focus on increasing awareness of available support services, developing effective social and communication strategies, and managing dementia risk and care. Additionally, the workshops emphasize the importance of creating dementia-friendly environments, understanding the influence of the environment on wellbeing, and recognizing the diverse needs of individuals living with dementia.
Our goal is to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide sensitive care and support for individuals with dementia in diverse communities.
- Workshop 1 – Understanding the Brain and Memory – 5 September 2023 (10am-12pm)
Learn about the causes of memory loss and how to manage it.
- Workshop 2 – Accessibility and Enablement – 3 October 2023 (10am-12pm)
Learn how to create safer and enabling places and spaces.
- Workshop 3 – Acceptance and Belonging – 7 November 2023 (10am-12pm)
Learn how to embrace and support people with diverse needs.
All workshops will be held at the Civic Centre Theatrette, Donkin Ave, Moss Vale from 10am-12pm