Shoalhaven residents are invited to have their say on draft documents that aim to identify flood behaviour in the Clyde River and Willinga Lake catchments and inform Council’s management of flood risk within these locations.
The draft floodplain risk management studies and plans for the Clyde River and Willinga Lake areas identify ways to reduce the impact, losses and liability of flooding on owners and occupiers of flood-prone properties within both catchments.

“While there are a small number of properties directly impacted by flooding in these areas, the catchments do include properties which can become isolated due to inundation of low-lying roads and waterway crossings,” said Mayor Patricia White.
“These studies will provide valuable information for the community and emergency services to help improve their preparedness and response to flood events,” Cr White said.
“I encourage the community to read the flood risk management strategies proposed in these documents and provide feedback, as these measures may impact landowners in these catchments into the future,” she said.
The Clyde River study covers a 50-kilometre length from upstream of the Yadboro River confluence through Yadboro, Mogood, Morton, Brooman and Currowan to the southern boundary of the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA) at the confluence with the Currowan River.
The Willinga Lake study covers the Willinga Lake catchment as well as other local catchments along Bawley Point Road and Murramarang Road.
The community can provide feedback on these draft documents until Monday 24 February 2025 and drop-in sessions have been scheduled:
- Willinga Lake study on Tuesday 11 February 2025 between 3pm and 6.30pm at the Bawley Point RFS
- Clyde River study on Wednesday 12 February 2025 between 3pm and 6.30pm at the Ulladulla Civic Centre.
To view the draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan documents and complete the online survey, visit the Willinga Lake and Clyde River Shoalhaven Get Involved web pages.
These draft documents have been prepared in accordance with the NSW Flood Prone Land Policy. They were developed in collaboration with the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) and the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and following a period of initial community consultation in August 2023.
The Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan projects are fully funded by grant funding from the Australian Government’s Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local Stream.