The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is conducting two hazard reduction burns in Bamarang Nature Reserve and Jervis Bay National Park.
The burns will reduce naturally accumulated fuel loads in the reserves to protect nearby private properties and businesses.
A 44.6-hectare burn in Jervis Bay National Park is to protect Wrights Beach area and communities and infrastructure within Jervis Bay Territory.
A 27-hectare burn in Bamarang Nature Reserve will protect local private property, Bamarang community and Bamarang water reservoir.
NPWS Team Leader Julieanne Doyle said NPWS is taking advantage of forecast favourable conditions to undertake hazard reduction burning operations.
“Weather conditions and fuel moisture must be within certain parameters for the burns to be safe and to achieve the objectives,” said Ms Doyle.
Further burning, mop up and patrol continuing over the weekend and traffic control will be in place on sections of Yawal and Longreach Roads in Bamarang and Naval College and Ellmoos Rd in Jervis Bay.
People are reminded to exercise caution and follow directions of NPWS crews if driving on roads in the area.
“NPWS crews of professionally trained fire fighters will work alongside crews from the Rural Fire Service and the Commonwealth Department of the Environment for the duration of the burns.
“If you are vulnerable to smoke, we encourage you to stay indoors and keep your doors and windows closed to reduce exposure,” said Ms Doyle.