
Dhungung collaborative Food Share initiative

January 24, 2024 10:29 am in by

Wingecarribee Shire Council is once again partnering with community organisations throughout the year ahead in 2024, to ensure our Shire’s indigenous families are provided for with food and other essential items in need.

The return of the NSW Grant funded initiative for another year, starts on Thursday 25th January, and will ensure our First Nations community members doing it tough, can get ahelping hand when they need it most.

Community organisations supporting the program this year include: Australian Red Cross, OzHarvest, Wingecarribee Shire Council, and Gundungurra Aboriginal Heritage Association Inc.

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It is a weekly program, offering a pick-up service from the Aboriginal Community and Cultural Centre at 1 Rainbow Road, in Mittagong every Thursday, between 10.30 am and 12.00 pm.

Recipients are advised to bring their own bags, plus a cooler bag for frozen food or meat.

When registering, residents are to advise how many adults and/or children are in their

There are small packages for those with fewer family members in their household, and family-sized packages for larger households.

To register for a food package, community members should contact Corinne at Wingecarribee Shire Council on 0418 649 106.

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