The Moss Vale community is invited to provide feedback on proposed upgrades at Moss Vale Station and improvements to Argyle Street.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said Transport will hold a drop-in session next month to give residents and visitors an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the Moss Vale Station and Stabling Yard Upgrade, as well as the Argyle Street pedestrian and traffic improvements.
“We want to give the community an opportunity to discuss both projects at the same time, as we did throughout the consultation in June 2021,” the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson said the concept design and Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for Moss Vale Station and Stabling Yard will be available from Monday 20 November until Wednesday 20 December for public review.
“We want to hear from the community as we start to shape the detailed design for the Moss Vale Station and Stabling Yard upgrade,” the spokesperson said.
“The station upgrades include three new lifts and accessibility upgrades around the station precinct, as well as improvements to the train stabling area to accommodate the new regional intercity trains.
“The station improvements will help promote a shift away from private vehicle trips to more sustainable modes of transport by improving public transport infrastructure connectivity and useability while protecting the distinct village feel.”
The spokesperson said the Argyle Street traffic and pedestrian improvements proposed for key intersections would help reduce delays, improve safety and optimise the road space to improve the flow of traffic and ease congestion.
“We would like feedback from the community on proposed traffic improvements including the installation of pedestrian refuges, a traffic signal and designated rightturn lanes,” the spokesperson said.
“Community feedback will be invaluable and an important part of the detailed design
process for both projects.”
For more information and to have your say on the Moss Vale Station and Stabling Yard upgrade visit or call 1800 684 490.
For more information and to have your say on the Argyle Street traffic and pedestrian improvements visit or call 1800 555 631.
Submissions can be made on both projects until 11.59pm Monday 20 December by following the links from the project pages.
A community drop-in session will also be held at the Moss Vale Services Club on Monday 4 December 2023 from 10am to 2pm where the community can ask questions and provide feedback for both projects.
Once submissions are received, they will be reviewed before a report for each project is released outlining and responding to feedback.
Work on the Moss Vale Station and Stabling Yard upgrade is expected to start in early 2024 and is be completed in late-2025.
Work on the Argyle Street traffic and pedestrian improvements is expected to start in mid-2024.