
Household chemical cleanout day in Moss Vale

May 18, 2023 2:25 pm in by
Wingecarribee Council

Wingecarribee Council is holding a household chemical cleanout day at the Moss Vale Works Depot on Sunday between 9am and 3:30pm.

Residents can drop off the following items free of charge:

  • household cleaners
  • fluorescent globes and tubes
  • car and household batteries
  • motor oils and fluids
  • paints
  • garden, pool and hobby chemicals,
  • gas bottles, fire extinguishers and
  • poisons
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Colo Vale resident, Katrina, who attended last year’s Chemical CleanOut event said involvement in programs like this is a great way to keep problem waste out of landfill.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to clean out our chemicals, I like that it is a free service and protects our environment from incorrect disposal,” she said.

Residents can also drop of their items free of charge at the Community Recycling Centre all year round.
