
Berry’s masterplan moves along

March 11, 2024 7:20 am in by

Community consultation on the new Berry Development Control Plan (DCP) has reached the second stage. 

This document will help shape Berry’s landscape, setting guidelines for the design, appearance and placement of buildings. 

A community drop-in session will be held on Monday, 18 March with all interested stakeholders encouraged to attend, including residents and visitors, to provide valuable feedback to help recognise Berry’s unique identity while accommodating future growth. 

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It follows the receipt of 631 survey responses during the initial consultation, with 60 per cent of respondents requesting a drop-in session to provide additional feedback.  

The session will further explore the DCP and possible planning and development control responses for the area. 

Director of City Futures, Coralie McCarthy, says this is an important step to ensure that Berry’s future aligns with the desires and aspirations of its community.  

“We want to make sure our next steps align better with the community’s aspirations, so all participation is greatly appreciated,” she said.
