Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has called on local Labor MPs to fight for the region amid a snap infrastructure ‘audit’ with reports that the Prime Minister and Treasurer could wield the axe to key local infrastructure and road projects in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.
Mr Ward said we need local representatives who are prepared to fight for our region and not accept the talking points from the Government justifying cuts to election commitments.
“Having secured and delivered more than $3 billion in infrastructure for our region, I know how hard it is to gain commitments and get things done,” Mr Ward said.
“If a promise was made, that promise needs to be kept.
“When decisions are being made, it’s critical that our local Federal Labor MPs don’t accept any cuts to infrastructure in our region. With so much growth earmarked for our region, we need the infrastructure to go with it.
“These infrastructure projects are also important to drive local jobs and small businesses.
“Local Labor MPs made promises at the last election and these promises need to be kept.
“If anything, our region needs more investments in vital infrastructure from Canberra – not cuts to promises that have been pledged by local Labor representatives.
“I will be watching very closely to ensure that Labor’s election commitments are detailed in full in the Federal Budget next week to ensure that our region is getting its fair share and isn’t taken for granted,” Mr Ward concluded.